Our work in Southwark

Based in Southwark, but covering all of South London, this service helps Latin American women build life opportunities in their local area by providing information and tools that enable their development and integration.

The following activities take place in our Southwark office:


ATD ForthWorld
48 Addington Square
London, SE5 7LB

Located near Burgess Park, Camberwell road.
Buses: 12, 35, 40, 42, 45, 68, 148, 171, 176, 468, N68, N89, N171.

One-to-one appointments

  • We can help you identify the issues you might need support with, and refer you to the right service within LAWRS or to other organisations.
  • Help with letters, translations, telephone calls, fulfilment of forms, GP registration, etc.

Advice on welfare benefits and debts

Every two weeks


  • This advice surgery takes place every two weeks, and is provided through pre-booked appointments,  in collaboration with Money A+E.


We cover different topics, such as:

  • how the system works in the UK,
  • what services and support are available to Latin American women and how to access them,
  • how to better participate in the social and civic life of the local community in London.

“Healthy life” yoga sessions

 Wednesday, 11:00am (via Zoom)

LAWRS Latin American Women's Rights Service Southwark Yoga and Wellness

  • This group activity tackles racial and gender inequality as it helps disadvantaged Latin American immigrant women improve their health and well-being.
  • Small lifestyle changes improve overall body and mental well-being. Making women feel better, helping them regain confidence and self-esteem, reducing anxiety and depression, and restoring energy and hope.

Language Café

Informal English classes

 Friday, 12:30pm (intermediate level) and 1:30pm (beginner level) (via Zoom)


  • The Language Cafe offers Latin American women the opportunity to learn English in an informal, safe and community-based learning environment.
  • The aims of this group are to improve women’s language skills, foster integration, build confidence, have fun, socialise and encourage women to take the next step in their lives.
  • Among the several barriers faced by Latin American women in London, proficiency in English is one of the most important barriers to accessing key services such as education, health and social care services. Delivering free English language classes tailored to the needs of Latin American women in London is a vital part of LAWRS’ work to improve their wellbeing.

Go to online course

Espacio Mamá

Wednesday, 11:30am and Friday, 1:00pm

LAWRS Latin American Women's Rights Service Southwark Espacio Mama

  • Espacio Mamá is a supportive group for Latin American women that are pregnant and/or have children under 3 years-old, where women share the up and downs of motherhood’s experiences. There are toys and activities for children and mums, that include workshops on topics that are relevant to them and social events. (This group works in partnership with Parent and Communities Together, Citizens UK.)
  • Go to Espacio Mama’s website