Take a look at our previous campaigns around women’s rights, migrant’s rights, and the rights of ethnic minorities in the UK.
Love Doesn’t Kill, Violence Does

‘Love doesn’t kill, violence does’ aims to bring awareness to the longstanding problem of violence affecting Latin American and other migrant women in the UK. This campaign highlights the importance of recognizing Latin Americans as an ethnic minority in order for women in our community to be able to access services that respond effectively to their specific needs.
Read more about this campaign here.
Recognition of Latin Americans in the UK

We campaign for the official recognition of Latin Americans as an ethnic group and for the inclusion of the category ‘Latin American’ in ethnic monitoring through CLAUK, the Coalition of Latin Americans in the UK. Working collectively with sister organisations and campaigns, we’ve achieved official recognition of Latin Americans in Southwark, Lambeth, Islington, and Hackney Councils.
Read more about our work towards official recognition here.
Migrants Contribute

We helped to set up and host #MigrantsContribute, a campaign working towards a society that acknowledges the economic, social and cultural contributions of migrants. Migrants Contribute sought to foster a fairer debate about migration during the 2015 General Elections period by conveying a more truthful portrayal of migrants and combatting the escalating demonisation of our communities in media and political speeches.
Read more about our joint work here.
No Recourse To Public Funds

LAWRS was one of the precursors of the No Recourse to Public Funds Campaign and remains active in pressing for public funding to enable all women to effectively extricate themselves from violence and abuse, regardless of their immigration status. The Campaign to Abolish No Recourse to Public Funds is currently made of 27 member organisations, chaired by Southall Black Sisters, and hosted by the Women’s Resource Centre.
Read more about NRPF here.