Resources & documents
- Immigration guidance
- Know your Rights Guide 2020 – Migrant Rights’ Network
- Brexit – Cómo probar tu status luego del Brexit (español)
- Brexit – Como demonstrar meu status após Brexit (portugues)
- Brexit – Qué necesita saber como ciudadano de la UE que vive en el Reino Unido (español)
- Brexit – O que precisa saber enquanto cidadao da UE a viver no Reino Unido (Portugues)
- Brexit – Todo lo que deben saber los ciudadanos de la tercera edad de la UE que viven en el Reino Unido (español)
- Brexit – O que precisa de saber enquanto cidadao idoso da UE a viver no Reino Unido (portugues)
- Brexit – Solicitud de residencia para europeos y sus familiares que residen en el Reino Unido (EU Settlement Scheme) – Guía para completar la aplicación
- Brexit – Pedido de residência para europeus e seus familiares residentes no Reino Unido (EU Settlement Scheme) – Guia para preencher o formulário
- Manual de educación
- Aspectos más importantes en el proceso de adaptación – Welcome pack
- Conozca sus derechos laborales
- Cómo registrarse en el Médico General (GP) (Spanish-English)
- Como se registrar no médico (GP) (Portuguese-English)
- Derecho a apoyo en el Reino Unido – Mecanismo de Derivación para Víctimas de Trata y Explotación – NRM (FLEX) – Español
- Derechos y opciones de las víctimas de trata en el Reino Unido – NRM (FLEX) – Español
- Direito de Apoio Dentro do Reino Unido – Mecanismo Nacional para Lidar com Vítimas de Tráfico Humano (FLEX) – Portuguese
- Opções e direitos legais das vítimas do tráfico de pessoas no Reino Unido (FLEX) – Portuguese
- Voices of Young Latinas: Peer Research into Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), 2025
- Behind closed doors. Experiences of Latin American domestic workers in the UK, 2023.
- The Right to Healthcare: A community-led approach to better health outcomes for the Latin American community 2023.
- Toolkit for unions – Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – Part 1, 2023.
- Toolkit for unions – Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – Part 2, 2023.
- Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Exploitation: A Guide for Police and Labour Inspectors Working with Migrants, 2022.
- Testimonies: Migrant Women and the Domestic Abuse Bill, March 2021.
- The Unheard Workforce: Experiences of Latin American migrant women in cleaning, hospitality and domestic work, 2019.
- The Right to be Believed: Migrant women facing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the ‘hostile immigration’ environment in London, 2019.
- The Right to be Believed: Migrant women facing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the ‘hostile immigration’ environment in London – Key Findings, 2019.
- LAWRS 35th Anniversary Report, 2018.
- Roundtable Report: Safe Reporting of Crime for migrants with insecure immigration status, May 2018.
- We can’t fight in the dark: Violence Against Women and Girls among Brazilians in London, King’s College London, 2018.
- ‘Não se pode lutar no escuro’: Violência Contra Mulheres e Meninas Brasileiras em Londres, 2018.
- Latin Americans migrating from Europe to the UK: barriers to accessing public services and welfare, University of Leeds and LAWRS, 2015.
- No Longer Invisible: the Latin American Community in London, McIlwaine, Cock, and Linneker, Queen Mary University, 2011.
- Investing in Safety: The financial case for investing in by and for services supporting victim-survivors with No Recourse to Public Funds, 2024.
- Worker Engagement in Human Rights Due Diligence: Learnings from a Pilot in Outsourced Cleaning, 2024.
- “So I decided to carry on…”: The Continuum of Exploitation in Practice, LEAG, 2024
- Shadow Report on the Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), VAWG sector, 2023.
- Listen to us!, Communication Barriers Working Group, 2023.
- Opportunity Knocks: improving responses to labour exploitation with secure reporting, LEAG, 2020.
- Detaining Victims: human trafficking and the UK immigration detention system, LEAG, 2019.
- Diverse Communities Health Voice – Community research 2016/2017 – Black and minority ethnic groups accessing services in Islington, 2017.
- Position Paper: Lost in Transition: Brexit & Labour Exploitation, LEAG, 2017.
- Face Her Future European Union (Withdrawal) Bill second reading briefing 7 & 11 September 2017, Fawcett – Face Her Future, 2017.
- Supporting Brazilian Women in London: Service Provision for Survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Queen Mary Univesity, 2017.
- Unpaid Britain: wage default in the British labour market, Middlesex University, 2017.
- Haringey VAWG Harmful Practice Steering Group Report, Haringey London, 2017.
- Supporting Brazilian Women in London: Service Provision for Survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Yara Evans and Cathy McIlwaine, Queen Mary University, 2017.
- Black and minority ethnic groups accessing services in Islington, Diverse Communities Health Voice, 2017.
- Latin Americans in Southwark: Service access and provision, ESRC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship, 2017.
- Latin Americans in Southwark: A census analysis report, COMPAS, University of Oxford, 2017.
- Position Paper: Labour Compliance to Exploitation and the Abuses In-between, LEAG, August 2017.
- Improving the Identification and Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the EU, FLEX, 2016.
- Joint Civil Society Report to the United Nations, British Institute of Human Rights, 2016.
- Labour Compliance to Exploitation and the Abuses in-between, FLEX, 2016.
- Towards Visibility – Full report, Queen Mary University, 2016.
- Towards Visibility – Executive summary, Queen Mary University, 2016.
- Flex: Preventing trafficking for labour exploitation, 2014.
- The invisible workforce: Employment practices in the cleaning sector, 2014.
- Latin Americans: a case for better access to sexual health services, 2014.
- The changing labour market 2: women, low pay and gender equality in the emergency recovery, 2014.
- Southwark health watch report 2014
- Beyond the labels – Imkaan, 2013.
- Shadow City: Exposing human trafficking in everyday London, 2013.
- Migrants in low pay, low skilled job: barriers and solutions to learning English in London, 2013.
- Exploring the inter generational transmission of human well-being: The case of Latin American migrant mothers and their daughters in London, UK, 2013.
- CEDAW shadow report, 2013.
- Strategies to end double violence against undocumented women, PICUM, 2012.
- No Longer Invisible Report, 2011.
- No Longer Invisible findings, 2011.
- Department for Business and Trade: Labour Market Enforcement Strategy 2025 to 2026: call for evidence, December 2024.
- Department for Work and Pensions – Making Work Pay: Strengthening Statutory Sick Pay Consultation, November 2024.
- Submission to the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) Fourth evaluation of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the United Kingdom, September 2024.
- Home Office and BEIS’ – Call for evidence: Labour Market Enforcement Strategy 2024 to 2025, September 2023.
- Public Bill Committee – Call for Evidence: Victims and Prisoners Bill, LAWRS and SUMW – VAWG, June 2023.
- Public Bill Committee – Call for Evidence: Victims and Prisoners Bill – Modern slavery, June 2023.
- Home Affairs Committee – Call for Evidence: Human Trafficking, March 2023.
- Home Affairs Committee – Call for Evidence: Policing Priorities, October 2022.
- Justice Committee – Call for Evidence: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Victims Bill, June 2022.
- Home Office and BEIS’ – Call for evidence: Labour Market Enforcement Strategy 2023 to 2024, May 2022.
- Ministry of Justice’s Consultation on Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights, March 2022.
- Ministry of Justice’s Consultation on the Victims’ Bill – Delivering justice for victims. February 2022.
- Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)’s Consultation on Police and Crime Plan 2021-25, January 2022.
- Public Bill Committee – Nationality and Borders Bill, November 2021.
- APPG Inquiry into Mental Health and Domestic Abuse, September 2021.
- Domestic Abuse Act statutory guidance, September 2021.
- Law Pay Commission – Consultation on April 2022 National Minimum Wage rates, June 2021.
- Home Office, New Plan for Immigration, May 2021.
- Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – Support in the workplace for victims of domestic abuse, September 2020.
- Women and Equalities Committee – Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics, June 2020.
- Ministry of Justice – Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill consultation Template response, May 2018.
In collaboration
- Joint submission to the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) Fourth evaluation of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the United Kingdom, October 2024.
- LEAG Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on the Modern Slavery Act 2015: Call for evidence on the impact and effectiveness of the 2015 Modern Slavery Act, April 2024.
- ELAN Response to consultation on Introducing Fees in the Employment Tribunal, March 2024.
- Detention Taskforce submission to ICIBI Call for evidence: An inspection of the Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority, February 2024.
- Joint Submission to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities ‘Open Consultation on Ethnic Disparities and Inequality in the UK’. November, 2020.
- CLAUK’s submission to the Women and Equalities Committee call for evidence ‘Unequal impact? Coronavirus and BAME people’, July 2020.
- CLAUK’s letter to Public Health England about COVID-19 and the Latin American community, 2020.
- CLAUK’s Response to the HIV Commission call for written evidence, 2020.
- Domestic Abuse Bill Committee – Joint Submission: A Fair System Urgently Needed for All. May 2020.
- FLEX and LAWRS response to the Government Equalities Office Consultation on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, October 2019.
- LEAG Submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration call for evidence: ‘Adults at Risk’ in immigration detention, February 2019.
- LEAG submission to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy consultation on a Single Enforcement Body for employment rights, October 2019.
- Home Affairs Select Committee – Inquiry into Domestic Abuse, July 2018.
- LEAG submission to the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery on the gendered dimensions of contemporary forms of slavery, its causes and consequences, May 2018.
- LEAG – Responses to questionnaire on the gender dimensions of contemporary forms of slavery, its causes and consequences (Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery), 2018.
- FLEX/LEAG Joint submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration in response to call for evidence: an inspection of how the Home Office is tackling illegal working, September 2018.
- LEAG Response to the UK Director of Labour Market Enforcement Consultation: Informing Labour Market Enforcement, Strategy 2018/19, 2017.
- Latin Americans: a case for better access to sexual health services: Granada, L. and Paccoud, V., 2014.
- Family Migration Inquiry, Latin American Women’s Rights Service written submission to the APPG on migration, 2013.
- CLAUK’s response to Hackney Council’s single equality scheme consultation, 2013.
- CLAUK’s response to Healthwatch Haringey consultation, 2013.
- Sustaining services ensuring fairness, 2013.
- CLAUK’s response to South London Healthcare Trust consultation, 2012.
- A Joint Briefing on Ensuring Safety and Dignity for Migrant Workers in the UK, July 2024
- Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority Briefing, Detention Taskforce, July 2024
- A Joint Briefing on Amendments to Protect Migrant Victims of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and Modern Slavery, Report Stage and Third Reading, House of Lords, April 2024.
- Victims and Prisoners Bill: Amendment 107, Committee Stage Briefing, House of Lords, Jan 2024.
- Victims and Prisoners Bill House of Lords Second Reading Briefing Joint briefing on behalf of Violence Against Women Girls (VAWG) organisations, Dec 2023.
- A Joint Briefing on Amendments to Protect Migrant Victims of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Second Reading, House of Lords, Dec 2023.
- Victims and Prisoners Bill: Report Stage Joint Briefing, House of Commons, Nov 2023.
- Victims and Prisoners Bill: Report Stage, House of Commons, Nov 2023.
- Victims and Prisoners Bill: Second Reading Joint Briefing, House of Commons, May 2023.
- Safety for Migrant Workers: the case for safe reporting mechanisms, November 2022.
- Nationality and Borders Bill. Citizenship rights. Registration fees, March 2022.
- Nationality and Borders Bill: Secure reporting- key to safety, justice, and public order, February 2022.
- Nationality and Borders Bill. Amendment 140 “Victims of domestic abuse: data-sharing for immigration purposes”, February 2022.
- Joint response to the “Home Office and Police data-sharing arrangements on migrant victims and witnesses of crime with insecure immigration status”, February 2022.
- Domestic Abuse Bill: House of Commons, consideration of amendments. Victims of domestic abuse: data-sharing for immigration purposes. April 2021.
- Domestic Abuse Bill: Safe Reporting mechanisms – Firewall. Super-complaint investigation findings and recommendations. January 2021.
- SBS and LAWRS joint response to the Migrant Victims of Domestic Violence Review, September 2020.
- Domestic Abuse Bill: Migrant Women Left Behind. Joint Briefing Latin American Women’s Rights Service, Southall Black Sisters, End Violence Against Women Coalition, September 2020.
- Domestic Abuse Bill Briefing on Safe Reporting Mechanisms and End to Data-Sharing. House of Lords , September 2020.
- Immigration Bill 2020: Second Reading Briefing, July 2020.
- Data-Sharing with the Home Office for immigration control Freedom of Information Requests, July 2020.
- The Independent – Police ‘failing’ deaf and migrant sexual assault victims, report finds (26/04/23)
- The Detail – UK police referred sexually exploited children and victims of domestic abuse to immigration authorities (05/03/23)
- The New Statesman – Thousands of crime victims face deportation after calling police (09/12/22)
- The New Statesman – Police report hundreds of crime victims a month to immigration service (27/06/22)
- BBC Mundo – La incertidumbre de los latinoamericanos con pasaporte europeo en Reino Unido que no se regularizaron a tiempo tras el Brexit (13/07/21)
- The Independent – ‘Not a single minute of peace’: The increasing numbers of pregnant migrant women being made homeless (05/05/21)
- Eastern Eye – MPs ‘wasted the chance to protect migrant women’ (22/04/21)
- Bylines Times – ‘LANDMARK’ DOMESTIC ABUSE BILL Does Not Protect Vulnerable Migrant Women (16/04/2021)
- The I – Migrant women need equality from the Domestic Abuse Bill too – they are not receiving equal protection (13/04/21)
- The I – The Domestic Abuse Bill wouldn’t protect migrants and Universal Credit claimants (9/03/21)
- Metro – Migrant domestic abuse victims ‘turned away from everywhere’ during pandemic (22/02/2021)
- The Telegraph – How migrant women have become the forgotten victims of Britain’s domestic abuse crisis (9/02/2021)
- The Independent – ‘I guess this means it is okay for me to be violated’ – migrant women have been forgotten in the domestic abuse bill (9/02/2021)
- The Prisma – Covid-19: Immigrants and vaccine access (08/02/2021)
- Politics Home – The Government Has Been Warned That Modern Slavery Could Be Surging During The Coronavirus Pandemic (25/09/2020)
- Foreign Policy – Britain’s Domestic Abuse Bill Still Leaves Migrants at Risk (26/08/2020)
- Human Rights Watch – UK Failing Domestic Abuse Victims in Pandemic (06/08/2020)
- Marie Claire – The Domestic Abuse Bill isn’t ‘groundbreaking’ if it leaves migrant women out (09/07/2020)
- The Lead – Discriminating against migrant survivors: on the exclusions of the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill (22/07/2020)
- Holyrood – “Nowhere to go”: How No Recourse to Public Funds is leaving women experiencing abuse without support (22/07/2020)
- The Guardian – Migrant women deliberately left out of UK abuse bill, say campaigners (06/07/2020)
- Inews – Campaigners say the ‘highest risk group’ of women has been left out of domestic violence bill protections (06/07/2020)
- BBC News – Domestic Abuse Bill: ‘More help for migrant women needed’ (06/07/2020)
- Huffington Post – Exclusive: Migrant Women Suffering Domestic Abuse Can’t Get Help And Aren’t Believed, Government Told (26/06/2020)
- FLEX – International Domestic Workers’ Day 2020: protecting migrant domestic workers from exploitation in the UK (16/06/2020)
- The Independent – The government is failing domestic abuse victims. It’s shameful and action is needed now (12/06/2020)
- BBC News – Domestic Abuse Bill: MPs back ban on ‘chilling rough sex defence’ (06/06/2020)
- Politics – Lost in the covid emergency: Migrant women escaping domestic violence blocked from help (13/05/2020)
- The Prisma – Coronavirus: Latin American immigrants are not alone (13/05/2020)
- NewStatesman – Christine Jardine: We need to change the Domestic Abuse Bill (06/05/2020)
- The Prisma – Immigrants and Covid-19: domestic violence (04/05/2020)
- Al Jazeera – Coronavirus exposes UK low-wage essential workers to exploitation (01/05/2020)
- The Prisma – Inmigrantes latinos y trabajo durante la pandemia (28/04/2020)
- The Prisma – Latino immigrants and work during the pandemic (28/04/2020)
- UK in a Changing Europe – Migrant women unable to access Covid-19 support (21/04/2020)
- Sky news – Coronavirus: Calls to National Domestic Abuse Helpline rise by 25% in lockdown (06/04/2020)
- Vogue – Tougher Laws On Domestic Abuse Must Protect Migrant Women Too, Says Commissioner Nicole Jacobs (06/04/2020)
- Noticias em Portugues – Aumentam casos de violência doméstica com a quarentena (01/04/2020)
- The Independent – Pregnant Spanish woman says NHS put her health at risk with ‘threatening’ action (14/03/2020)
- Financial Times – Sackings and ineligibility for benefits deepen migrants’ plight in crisis (13/04/2020)
- The Independent – Coronavirus: Migrant domestic abuse victims ‘blocked from shelters and deterred from accessing healthcare’ (30/03/2020)
- The Lead – Latin American women migrants in the United Kingdom: An invisible minority (13/03/2020)
- The Independent – EU nationals who have suffered domestic abuse in UK ‘face being pushed onto streets after Brexit’ (03/03/2020)
- The Guardian – Domestic abuse bill fails to protect children and migrant women – charities (03/03/2020)
- Financial Times – University cleaner case raises labour rules concerns (17/01/2020)
- Latin American Bureau – Lost in translation – UK Latin Americans’ language poverty (02/10/2019)
- The Prisma – The drama of an immigrant woman in the UK (02/10/2019)
This is who we are: Sin Fronteras
Spanish, English, 2021
COVID-19 and domestic abuse
(English), LAWRS, 2020.
COVID-19 and domestic abuse
(Spanish), LAWRS, 2020.
COVID-19 and domestic abuse
(Portuguese), LAWRS, 2020.
LAWRS – 37th Anniversary
LAWRS, 2020.
Qué significa ser voluntaria en LAWRS?
(Spanish), LAWRS, 2020.
O que significa ser voluntaria no LAWRS?
(Portuguese), LAWRS, 2020.
Latin American migrant worker in London
LAWRS, 2019.
Why office cleaners from Latin America and Spain face low pay and poor treatment in London
Financial Times, 2019.
Step Up Migrant Women
LAWRS, 2019.
Voices of resilience: Migrant and Refugee Women in Europe
LAWRS, 2019.
Voces de la resiliencia: Mujeres migrantes en Europa
LAWRS, 2019.
Latin American Women’s Rights Service: Intercâmbio Feminista
Conexão Feminista, 2018.
Step Up Migrant Women UK launch video
LAWRS, 2017.
Towards Visibility – The Latin American Community in London
Impact on Women and Community
LAWRS, 2015.
Invisible women – City Bridge Trust